Apple macOS
Purchase / Installation
You need at least Apple macOS 14.4 as your operating system to run the app.
Start Screen
After opening the program, you need to first import the X-Ray file with the 'plus' icon.
Main screen
You can use the search field to look through all the columns in the table. You can also sort them by clicking on the headers of the table columns. Use drag & drop to change the order of the columns.
The app will parse the pecuniator file as such that it will extract the country per holding and show the geographical hierarchy.
Search options
You can search all your holdings and specify that the search should be case-sensitive or not, and you can limit the scope of your search to a specific column.
Other functionalities
You can easily import content from an additional parquet x-ray CSV file. If a holding already exists, its numeric value will be updated; if not, the holding will be added. Please note the button in the bottom right corner to add a new holding manually.
Create new holding
Edit an existing holding
You can create or delete a holding or edit an existing one. This is convenient to simulate the impact on your portfolio if you buy an additional stock.
By clicking on the pencil icon will open to show the details of the stock.
The embedded handbook will explain more details about the app's functionalities.