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Purpose of this app

ms_store_png is a leading, innovative platform for analyzing your investment portfolios. It's primarily designed for the German-speaking market, but plans for international expansion mean the app is available in English.

The platform has introduced "Parqet X-Ray", an innovative feature that allows you to deeply analyze your investments. For instance, you can see which stocks are part of different financial products. For efficiency, the top 100 stocks are evaluated, but you have the option to download the full list as a CSV file.

This is where "pecuniator" becomes useful. With this tool, you can easily import and analyze the exported CSV file. The original data, along with the filters (in a separate tab), can be converted to an xslx format.

The app's search feature is quick, allowing you to filter evaluations by country and region. It's useful to see all investments, even those with very small values that might not impact a portfolio significantly.

This tool is not meant to compete with but to complement it. It aims to add value to the exported parqet X-Ray file easily, especially for users unfamiliar with CSV files or who struggle to convert them smoothly into a spreadsheet format.

The tool is also useful for those who are using other portfolio management tools. All you need is a csv file with the ISIN, your stock/holding name, the percentage of shares and the invested total value and has you covered.

You can easily import and analyze any CSV file, as long as it includes a header line with four fields separated by either semi-colons or commas. For example, 'ID;holding;shares;values' is a valid format. Naturally, the lines below the header line must follow the same format in the CSV file. Values can use either a comma or a dot as a decimal separator but should not include a currency symbol, a percentage sign, or a thousand separator. Each line must end with a carriage return ('\n')

Here is an example of what such a csv file could look like:


This format would be equally valid:

Idendität;Anlage;Prozent (%);Gesamtwert

The application is available in the Microsoft store and the Apple macOS store. While a Linux version could be developed, it is not being actively promoted at the moment.

Microsoft Windows


Apple macOS
